Monday 13 April 2015

Bowflex SelectTech Dumbells

So, my girlfriend's dad has a home gym and decided to buy a set of these Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells because they are compact, rather than having a row of different fixed dumbbells taking up loads of space.

The problem I found with these dumbbells is that if you change the weight on the dumbbell and pull it from the stand too quickly, the discs left behind can get knocked and you have to find which gap on the stand it fits in, or you can't put the dumbbell back correctly.

Another Problem with these is the length of the dumbbell. Say you're doing bicep curls with them, the length of the dumbbell imposes on the movement and the quality of the rep. As I turned my wrist to carry out this motion I found that the dumbbell tended to catch on my clothing.

A few upsides to these dumbbells is that they are space saving. They do not take up a lot of room at all even with the stand.

The grip on the dumbbell is good and doesn't slip during use.

It is quick, and easy, to select which weight you want. All you have to do is twist the disc on each end of the dumbbell to the correct weight and off you go.

However I believe that these dumbbells are very pricey for what they are. There are cheaper alternatives on the market and they could save you some money.

In my personal opinion, I would much rather have a set of fixed dumbbells or spin locks, as they are a lot cheaper, and for the amount of time you would save using adjustable dumbbells, I really don't see the point.

Thank you for reading and I hope this helps! If you have anything to add please leave a comment

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