Thursday 25 June 2015

5 Warning Signs Your Spending Too Much Time In The Gym

So over the last week I've noticed some signs I believe you develop from going to the gym. Here's a list of a few I've noticed:

1. No matter what you're doing, you think about technique.

Now, I noticed this one while I was just sat at my desk. One of my colleagues was picking up a pile of folders off of the floor. These folders weren't particularly heavy as they were quite empty, but all I could think was "keep your back straight, use your legs to do the lifting"

2. Constantly thinking about what muscles your using in day to day tasks.

I was mowing the grass at the weekend, and we have quite a steep hill in our garden. The lawnmower we have is quite heavy as well, so as I was pushing the mower up the hill, I was thinking "this would be great for legs if it was a bit heavier"

3. "How many grams of protein does he eat?"

The amount of times I've heard that phrase come out of people is amazing. We all know at every gym there's that one guy who looks like he could eat a whole cow in one sitting, and you always wonder how much he must be eating to stay that size. Well, it's a mystery to me!

4. No matter what time you go to the gym, you always see the same faces.

Every time I go to the gym, whether it's at 2pm on a Saturday or 9pm on a Wednesday, I can guarantee that I will see the same group of men training either back or chest. It's so strange, do these people just live in the gym?

5. You know what everyone else in the weights area is training, and when they are training it.

This one seems to be a given in most of the gyms I've been in. If you go on Monday after 6pm you will not be able to get a bench or used the bench press; everyone is training chest. Tuesday is back, Wednesday shoulders, Thursday is arms, Friday it's empty, and the weekend is as well. Is this the same in all gyms?

What have you noticed when you've been training? Let us know in the comments!

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